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Jim Krause | Classes | P356 TV Studio Production

P356 Key Graphic Exercise

Summary: In lab you'll use Adobe Photoshop to create a keyable title or lower third TV graphic for your Demonstration Video. You'll upload two copies to Oncourse (your original PSD and a PNG) and then go to the Studio 5 Control room, import the PNG into the Chyron, save it as a message and view it on the monitor.

Details: Your graphic can be the title for your Demonstration Video or a keyable lower third. Regardless, it needs to contain at least one image and at least two different (separate) uses of text. It should also adhere to the rules specified in Jim's Graphic Tips. After making the graphic in lab, save two copies: your original PSD (which you should hang onto) and a PNG, which you'll submit to the appropriate Canvas Assignment. Then go to Studio 5 and import it into the Chyron. After importing it into the Chyron, save it as a message and see how it looks keyed over something.


  • Start off by using Photoshop's "Film & Video" preset, "HDTV 1080p/29.97". This will put you in the right color space (RGB), provide the right pixel dimensions (1920 x 1080), give you safe text & action guides.
  • Consider the most appropriate color scheme, visual treatment, and layout for your subject.
  • Create your graphic
  • Save your original PSD file often (as your username)
  • When you are finished, save your original PSD and save a copy as a PNG, which you'lll submit to the Key Graphic Exercise on Canvas. BE SURE IT IS SAVED AS YOUR USERNAME.
  • Go to Studio 5
    • Copy your PNG onto a USB/flash memory stick.
    • Import into Chyron (Import graphic)
    • Save as a Chyron file into the T356/messages folder.
    • Call up the graphic on the switcher
    • How does it look?

Make sure your graphic meets the following criteria:

  • Clearly communicates your message, such as providing the title and what your show has to offer the viewer.
  • Contain an image within the graphic (for example if you are making a title for a music show you could incorporate an image of a guitar).
  • Contain at least two different uses of text (title, host, topic, etc.)
  • Meet the technical and aesthetic constraints of a video graphic. (Right file type, proper pixel dimensions, uses the safe text area, attractive appearance, easy to read text elements, etc.)

If you are unsure about what makes a good TV graphic, read Jim's Graphic Tips.


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