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T436 Fall 2012 - Week 11

Announcements/Reality check

  • Blog/Journals - Thanks to all who have been updating these. They are very informative and extremely useful. There are a few who have not turned in a single one. It's not too late to get some points.
  • Critiques - You need to send these every week.
  • Production meeting (shows for this week and next)
    • CARMEN's KARMA - Brian, Eumi or Carter - Can one of you stop by the Pourhouse this afternoon or tomorrow around 3:30 PM and say hello? (Give the staff a heads up about our shoot Wednesday afternoon.)
      • Homeless attire for Kellie/Eric (shoes, sign "Please Help - Bless You"
    • The schedule for Wednesday is as follows:
      • 12 Noon Crew picks up & loads gear - transport to Scene/Location #1: 6th St on the square
        CARMEN / HARRY prep makeup/wardrobe
      • 1 PM MARY prep makeup/wardrobe
        Shoot Scene 1 (highlighted in yellow) CARMEN & HARRY
      • 2 PM Crew moves to Scene/Location #2: Outside the Pourhouse Cafe on Kirkwood
        MARY on location
      • 2:15 PM BARRY prep makeup/wardrobe
        Shoot Scene 2 (highlighted on light blue) CARMEN & MARY
      • 3:15 PM Crew moves inside to Scene/Location #3: Inside the Pourhouse Cafe
      • 3:30 PM BARRY on location
        Shoot 1st half of Scene 3 (CARMEN - wardrobe change)
      • 4:15 PM Shoot 2nd half of Scene 3 (CARMEN in homeless wardrobe)
      • 5:00 PM Move to Scene/Location #4 (highlighted in green) Homeless Montage - various locations CARMEN & HARRY)
        Start with HARRY & CARMEN
    • Ole - Shoot for next week?
    • Sahar - Need anything?
  • Cinema report - Carter
  • Discuss rough cuts in lecture next week / Send links in advance this week
  • Quiz 2




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